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Pepperl+Fuchs Group
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Logic Control Units
Logic Control Units
Logic Control Units,
Counters and Timers
Logic Control Units,
Digital Meters
Logic Control Units,
Rotation Speed Monitors and Standstill Controllers
Logic Control Units,
Signal Converters
Logic Control Units,
Sensor Output Converters
Functional Description
Sensor signals often need to be displayed clearly on site or
further processed and used to control processes directly.
Therefore, in addition to the sensors featured in the previous
sections, Pepperl+Fuchs also offers a wide range of products
for signal evaluation.
Displays and Counters
Depending on the type, you can choose from four standard sizes
with front measurements of 48 mm x 24 mm, 48 mm x 48 mm,
mm x 48 mm, and 32 mm x 15 mm depending on the space
available for your application.
The 96 mm x 48 mm housing design with very bright LED‑display
is ideal for situations where good readability is required for
process visualization or if the viewer is several meters away.
Type of Display
With the exception of electromechanical counters (cost-effective
numeric displays) and pure digital display units (extremely bright
LED‑display), you can choose between a high-contrast liquid
crystal display (LCD) and a light-emitting diode display (LED).
The LCD‑display is usually more cost effective and requires
less power, although it has restricted readability in low-light
conditions. Therefore, you should use a large LED display
wherever good readability is required.
Electromechanical Counters
Electromechanical counters are used in situations without
electric output signals that call for cost-effective counting with
or without a reset function. The KCM series is particularly well
suited to this scenario
Electronic Batch Controllers
Electronic batch controllers are used to control transactions
through switching outputs and display scaled values. Electronic
counters with LED displays offer excellent readability even
without the batch control function.The KC-L Series is best suited
to this purpose.
Time Measurement
The multifunction devices from the KC-L and KCT Series are
ideal for short- and long-term measurements as well as the
measurement of operating hours. These devices can accurately
measure times to the nearest millisecond. The measuring
intervals can be started and stopped automatically through
the two inputs. For long-term measurements, the devices can
display times up to a maximum of 999,999 hours.
Measuring Speed/Frequency
Pulse intervals are measured in order to calculate rotational
speed or frequency. The display on the KC-L and KCT Series
can easily be scaled. The data is displayed directly in Hertz or
Multifunction Devices
The KC-L and KCT Series incorporating a time/counter/
tachometer function can be used in all situations where a device
is used to detect several signals and programming needs to be
quickly customizable to the specific application. These devices
are also ideally equipped to deal with future changes in your
plant while helping you to reduce your inventory.
Displaying Analog Values
Display units from the DA5 Series can display measured analog
values such as pressure, temperature, or distance. These
devices provide excellent readability and feature a scalable
numeric display of the measured values. You can choose
between a purely digital display in 48 mm x 24 mm format and
a process display in 96 mm x 48 mm format with two relay
outputs and linearization for sequential control. Thanks to the
power supply provided, you can supply the sensors used in the
application directly using these displays and without an auxiliary
power supply.
The requirements for an optimal operational philosophy differ
depending on the application. These requirements are as