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Consider the General Notes on the Information in the Pepperl+Fuchs Product Catalogs
Pepperl+Fuchs Group
USA: +1 330 486 0001
Singapore: +65 6779 9091
Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs
Additional Information
Load current
Specifies the permissible current load for an
Least Significant Bit.
Lux is the unit of measurement for light
intensity, i.e., a measurement for the light
beam falling on each receiver area. Sunlight
during the summer can generate up to
Lux, an overcast winter sky 1000
to 2000 Lux, and in normal rooms the light
intensity is around 50 Lux to 100 Lux.
easurement accuracy
The maximum value of the deviation
from the ideal characteristic. This is specified
for measuring sensors and relates to the
maximum measurement range.
Measuring output
Absolute: the measuring output specifies
the distance of the object from the sound
converter area in millimeters. The output is
either analog (4 mA to 20 mA or 0 V to 10 V)
or digital (parallel 8-bit or serial RS232).
Relative: the measuring output specifies the
position of the object within the window area
A1/A2 or upper limit/lower limit).
Measuring photoelectric sensor
Measuring photoelectric sensors combine
the advantages of background/foreground
suppression with the measuring functionality
of a distance sensor. An integrated
measuring core, otherwise found only in
distance sensors, enables different switching
functions in one device and provides
outstanding performance data.
Measuring range
Evaluation range for measuring sensors.
The start value of the measuring range is
determined by the lower limit, the end value
of the measuring range by the upper limit.
Modulated light
Light with a periodically changing radiant
power (e.g., fluorescent lighting).
Mounting aids
Brackets and mutually adjustable mounting
panels for sensors are included in the
catalog. These make adjusting easier.
Most Significant Bit.
In addition to singleturn, the number of
revolutions is also detected.
Standardization commission for
measuring and control technology in the
chemical industry. Tasks include the definition
of guidelines for devices that are operated in
hazardous areas.
NC contact
If the sensor does not detect an object, the
output is live. If an object is detected it is de-
energized (normally closed, NC).
NO contact
The output is de-energized if the sensor does
not detect an object. If it detects an object,
the output is live (normally open, NO).
No-load current
Specifies the individual power consumption
of the sensor and is measured without load.
for ultrasonic sensors)
A 100 x 100 mm level standard measuring
plate, aligned perpendicular to the sensor
axis, is usually used as the basis for the
detection range. The detection range of
sensors for very small distances involves
using smaller measuring plates to some
extent (see data sheets for further
Fixed or powdered objects can be detected,
as well as fluids.
We recommend that ultrasonic sensors
are used for poorly reflective materials
felt, absorbent cotton, foam rubber, rough
Heated materials (>100 °C) are poor
⇒Section Notes on mounting and operating
OFF delay
previously: turn-off time)
The time required by the sensor from when
the object disappears from the detection
range until the switching process. (The same
applies for the ON delay.)
Off-delay time
The time it takes for an electric signal to
change from high to low.
Value that is permanently added to a
measured value.
Open Collector (OC)
Divided into OC-PNP and OC-NPN end
stages. The latter inverts the output signals.
OC end stages are superseded by the push-
pull output for incremental rotary encoders
and absolute rotary encoders.
The inverting behavior of the OC-NPN end
stage should be taken into account for
absolute rotary encoders.
Operating temperature
The temperature range in which the values
and tolerances specified in the data sheet are
adhered to. However, if these are marginally
and temporarily undershot or exceeded, the
rotary encoder is not destroyed.
Once the operating temperature is reached
again, the specifications are once more
Operating voltage
The operating voltage is specified with
maximum and minimum values for supply
e.g., UB = 10 to 60 VDC.
Safe operation of the sensor is guaranteed
within this range. The rated voltage is
specified for NAMUR sensors.
Output frequency
The maximum signal frequency of the rotary
encoder. It is made up of the pulse count and
the speed.
Control bit for fault detection in the data
Polybutylene terephthalate
Phase correlation
Measurement method that determines
the distance from the object via an
indirect runtime measurement. The phase
displacement between the intensity-
modulated emitted solid light and the reflected
signals is the measurement for the distance.
Offset of the edges of channels A and B for an
incremental rotary encoder.
Polarization filter
Filter for generating polarized light.
Polarized light
In polarized light the electric field vector
oscillates only in one preferred plane and not
in all planes as is the case for natural light.
Power consumption
Specifies the no-load power consumption of
the sensor.
Pre-fault diagnostics (alarm)
Optical sensors are very sensitive to soiling.
The pre-fault diagnostics tool therefore issues
warnings in good time prior to failure. The red
blinking LED signalizes soiling, misalignment,
or an incorrectly selected detection range.
The switching element function of the sensor
is still guaranteed. A prefault output allows the
prefault indication to be detected remotely.
The prefault diagnostics tool can also be used
as an alignment aid.
Control input for resetting the measured value
to zero. This is used for electrically adjusting
the absolute rotary encoder.
A value other than zero can be set for
parameterizable absolute rotary encoders.
Control input for setting the measured value
to a quarter of the singleturn resolution. This
is used for electrically adjusting the absolute
rotary encoder.
A value other than one quarter of the
singleturn resolution can be set for
parameterizable absolute rotary encoders.
Pulse count
Resolution of the incremental rotary encoder.
It specifies the number of pulses per
Pulse frequency
Sensors that use LEDs are not operated
using solid light but rather pulsed light (the
pulse frequency is in the range of 10 kHz). If
two sensors are positioned directly adjacent
to each other, it is possible to set a second
pulse frequency for some sensors in order to
prevent mutual interference.
Pulse function
Timer function for switching outputs that
generates an output pulse with a defined
length, which is independent of the duration of
the switching event.
⇒ Timer function