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Pepperl+Fuchs Group
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Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs
Additional Information
Unsymmetrical, serial, unidirectional interface
between the PC and parameterizable
absolute rotary encoder.
Unsymmetrical, serial, unidirectional
interface. Used with incremental rotary
encoders for transferring complementary
pulse channels: AA, BB, 00.
For absolute rotary encoders with SSI
interface for transferring cycles and data:
cycle+ cycle-, data+, data-.
Each signal pair is carried via a set of pair-
stranded cables.
Symmetrical, serial, bidirectional interface.
The basis for many fieldbus systems.
It is possible to define the number of
steps per revolution. The number of multiturn
revolutions to be detected can be selected
between 1 and 4096 depending on the type
of rotary encoder.
Scan range
Evaluable angle range that the scanner‘s
light beam moves through.
Scanning width hysteresis
Depicts the offset of the trip points between
the lateral approach and removal of the
measuring plate,
i.e. between the approach and removal at a
right angle to the reference axis.
Selection of counting direction
This control input is used to define whether
the absolute rotary encoder generates
increasing measured values when the drive
shaft rotates either in a clockwise direction
CW) or counterclockwise direction (CCW).
The line of sight is always from the front
facing the shaft.
Used along with Sense+ to measure the
effective rotary encoder supply voltage.
Enables automatic compensation of the
voltage drop that occurs via the rotary
encoder cable.
Used along with Sense- to measure the
effective rotary encoder supply voltage.
Enables automatic compensation of the
voltage drop that occurs via the rotary
encoder cable.
⇒ Diffuse mode sensor
⇒ Diffuse mode sensor
Sensor principle
Physical layer upon which a sensor‘s
functionality is based.
Service life
The service life of an LED is defined as the
period during which the light output drops to
of the original value. This period of time
is specified for an operating temperature of
+25 °C.
Shaft load
Specifies the maximum permissible axial
and radial force on the rotary encoder shaft.
The point of application of force is the center
of the drive shaft journal. If these levels of
force are exceeded, this can have a negative
impact upon the service life of the mount.
This may also result in irreparable damage to
the rotary encoder.
Short circuit current limitation
Many sensors by Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH
are equipped with a cyclic short-circuit
current limitation. If the current trip value is
exceeded, the output is periodically locked
and re-released until the short circuit has
been rectified.
Absolute rotary encoder that issues a
defined number of measuring steps within
one revolution. Once the revolution is
completed, the measured value jumps from
the maximum to the minimum value.
⇒ Channel.
Synchronous Serial Interface. Used with
absolute rotary encoders.
Standard identification of swit-
ching element functions
Six-part code consisting of a maximum of
eight letters or numbers that identifies the
sensor type, mechanical installation con-
ditions, housing design and size, switching
element function, switching output, and type
of sensor connection (⇒EN 60947-5-2).
Standard measuring plate
Standard measuring plates enable
comparison measurements of the operating
distances and detection ranges for different
proximity switches. The following is defined
for photoelectric sensors:
Retroreflective sensor:
Reflector defined by manufacturer (specified
in the data sheets)
Thru-beam sensor:
Receiver defined by manufacturer
corresponds with the receiver of the two-part
sensor set)
Diffuse mode sensor:
White test card, size 100 x 100 mm (for
detection ranges up to 400 mm), size 200 x
mm (for detection ranges over 400 mm).
The white test cards must have 90% diffuse
reflectivity, resulting in
e.g., a fourfold detection range for polished
stainless steel because it mainly reflects
Starting torque
Torque that is required to start the rotary
encoder shaft from a standstill.
Storage temperature
Permissible temperature limits for a sensor
that is neither electrically nor mechanically
Switching current
This value specifies the maximum load
current during continuous operation.
⇒ Rated operational current
Switching frequency f
The switching frequency is the maximum
number of relevant events per time interval
that are detected by the sensor. It applies for
a duty cycle of 50% and is specified in Hertz
Switching hysteresis
The hysteresis is the path differential between
the switch-on point and the switch-off point
when an object moves towards or away from
a trip point on the sensor in an axial direction.
This prevents permanent switching at the
range limit.
Switch-on delay
previously: response time)
The time required by the sensor from when
the object appears in the detection range until
the switching process. (The same applies to
the OFF delay.)
Switch-on pulse suppression
All sensors are equipped with this feature,
which suppresses a fault signal at the output
when the operating voltage is switched on
during the time delay before availability.
Many types of sensor have a synchronization
output to avoid mutual interference from
adjacent sensors. If the input is blank or is
at zero potential, the sensor functions in
free-range operation with its internal cycle
A positive synchronization pulse triggers
a measuring cycle. It is started with the
incoming pulse edge.
Pepperl+Fuchs provides UC sensors with
synchronization inputs/outputs that can be
linked together for self-synchronization.
emperature compensation
To minimize the effect of air temperature
upon the output values, many ultrasonic
sensors by Pepperl+Fuchs incorporate a
temperature compensation function.
⇒ Air temperature
Temperature effect
Temperature-dependent effect upon the
output sizes and trip points of a sensor.
Specified in mm/K.
Thru-beam sensor
Thru-beam sensors consist of two separate
active devices: a light source and light
⇒ Section Mounting and functional principle of
optical sensors
Tightening torque
The recommended tightening torque of
Nm must not be exceeded when mounting
cylindrical sensors with a threaded housing.
Time delay before availability
The time delay before availability is the time
it takes until a proximity switch is ready for
operation once the operating voltage has
been switched on.
Timer function
Parameterizable timer functions for sensor
switching outputs.
⇒ Off delay timer
⇒ Pulse function