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Consider the General Notes on the Information in the Pepperl+Fuchs Product Catalogs
Pepperl+Fuchs Group
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Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs
Safety at Work is compatible with existing AS‑Interface systems
Flexible expansion options
Safe and standard signals are possible on one segment
Active safety replaces the passive solution for power shutdown
Safety monitor
The safety monitor monitors the proper functioning of the safe slaves
and, in the event of a fault, restores them to a safe state using a
positive-action relay. The safety monitor "listens" to the AS‑Interface
communication. The master talks to all the slaves for every cycle. The
signal response of the safe slaves includes the input states of the
connected sensors and contacts as well as a 4-bit safety code that
varies for each query in accordance with a fixed algorithm. If this 4-bit
code is modified in an unexpected way, a malfunction can be detected
and the system is safely switched off. In the event of an alarm, code
is transferred. This code results in a shutdown after a maximum
of 40 ms (max. cycle time incl. repetition and processing time).
The safety monitor does not require an address, but assigning an
address enables communication with the master and provides the
master with access to diagnostic information. To safely control outputs,
the monitor generates and sends further code sequences that are
checked by the safe output slave. A group of safe output slaves can be
controlled using a single AS‑Interface address.
Masters/gateways are also available with an integrated monitor function.
Direct communication between the monitor and master enables more
detailed diagnostic information to be transmitted to the control unit.
Configuration software ASIMON+ is used to configure release circuits
for the K30 and K31 safety monitors. This software is used to define
logical links and up to 16 shutdown circuits. The stop categories 0 and 1
can be stored in the monitor.
A Windows-based Drag&Drop function enables configurations to
be created easily as a flow chart on the PC and saved to a chip card.
This chip card then transfers the configuration to the device, making a
change in function relatively easy. The chip card also enables a safety
monitor to be replaced easily.
Safe slaves
In order to cover the necessary functions in the systems, safe slaves
are available that connect directly to the AS‑Interface. These include
emergency stop buttons with an integrated AS‑Interface, safe slaves
with two safe outputs, and safe slaves with two safe inputs and two
standard outputs, e.g., for connecting contacts.
Safety category 3 is achieved by assigning the inputs on the module
separately. For safety category 4, you must use the dual-channel input
on the module. The safe output slaves provide a further four standard
inputs. A standard input is used as a feedback circuit. You can use
the remaining standard inputs for diagnostics. The safe modules with
standard outputs can be used for direct on-site signaling.You can easily
link the input and output logically in the module using one data bit,
and control a warning light or the LED in the emergency stop button.
Due to the logic function integrated in the module, you must only run
the module output to the light. Previously this required a detour via
the master, a software routine in the PLC, a relay output in the control
cabinet, and wiring from the control cabinet to the warning light.
We also offer integrated solutions for safe mechanical contacts,
noncontact contacts, emergency stop buttons, locks with guard locking,
tamper-proof RFID door monitoring, and enabling switches.
Configuration Software
ASIMON+ software is used to configure
and commission the safety monitor
using a PC with an RS232 interface. The
simple user interface is used to assign
the safe inputs to the shutdown circuits or
monitoring blocks, define the emergency
stop functions, make assignments to
the start blocks, and select the output
modules (stop category 0 or 1). There
are many different options, meaning that
the settings are suitable for almost all
applications. System documentation for
the safe components is supported as you can save and print out the
configuration. It is also possible to create a copy of the configuration for
other safety monitors. To create a configuration you must perform the
following steps:
Start the program and "Setup Wizard,"
Select the diagnostic function,
Define the configuration: enter the title, dependencies, slave
addresses, assignment of slaves to a module, supplement the AND/
OR logic block, define the stop category, define delay time.
Assign the AS‑Interface address for the safety monitor (optional).
If a configuration already exists, you can load this and change it.You can
assign the blocks from a symbol library to both release circuits
interactively using Drag&Drop.
When you have created and
checked a configuration, you can
transfer it to the safety monitor
and teach in the code sequences
of the safe slaves that are to be
monitored. You must then check
and release the configuration
switch the safety monitor from
configuration mode to protection
The functions for reconfiguration,
code sequence teach-in, release,
stop command, and password modification are password protected.
The ASIMON+ software offers extensive support for troubleshooting and
fault clearance. The ASIMON+ manual also includes a few application
examples to help you familiarize yourself with the system quickly.
Field modules
Pepperl+Fuchs offers field modules to suit almost every application:
Ultra compact modules with cable outlet and M12‑plug
housing design G10)
Modules in round housing design with IP68/69K degree of protection
housing design G11)
Flat modules for mounting without tools (housing design G12)
Compact modules with M8 plug-in connection and width of just
mm (housing design G16)
Field modules with cable gland (housing design G4)
All modules have round, rotated, and gold-plated pins for establishing
contact with the flat cable, which guarantee a permanent and stable
contact. The modules are available in different I/O versions:
inputs/2 outputs
inputs/4 outputs
inputs or
All the modules are easy to mount. Housing design G10 is especially